Help us continue providing new life saving equipment, staff training and funds for medical research at the Cheltenham Intensive Care Unit by making a donation today. Watch video on how to donate online using PayPal.
Over the past 10 years we have raised over £200,000 for the Intensive Care Unit. All of the money raised is spent solely on the Intensive Care Unit and has helped train staff, fund research and pay for life saving equipment.
Find out more about how we have helped.
The Trust exists to support the treatment of patients in the Cheltenham area needing intensive care and provides funds for buying equipment, training staff and financing research.
In addition to funding the team of doctors, nurses, and physiotherapists and essential life saving equipment for the Intensive Care Unit, such as patient monitors and breathing machines, the trust has also provided grants for nursing staff to attend courses and undertake higher education in order to help them develop and keep up-to-date in this ever-changing medical speciality. The team of doctors, nurses physiotherapists and others are justifiably proud of the standard of care they can provide, and are greatly encouraged in this demanding work by the support of our local community.
However, as medical science advances, the demand for intensive care continues to grow. The unit currently cares for around 700 patients each year, some of whom have had major planned surgery and others who are admitted as an emergency. The unit is vital to support the work of other medical staff who care for patients being treated for conditions such as cancer or a heart attack.
The National Health Service provides all key equipment for the unit, but the Trust has been active in providing a substantial top-up to allow the purchase of additional or more sophisticated equipment enabling the unit to provide truly "state of the art" care. Unfortunately, equipment has a limited life and replacements are necessary every 5 to 10 years. Support from the Trust also helps to ensure that such equipment is replaced on a timely basis. Most recently, the Trust provided around £100,000 to help with the development of a new unit, which was completed in April 2009.
Whilst we enjoy good health the possibility of needing the services of the unit seems remote but with the support of our local community the Trust can ensure the Intensive Care Unit is in the best possible position to carry out its vital work. If you would like to support the Intensive Care Trust, simply click on the button to donate no or download our leaflet completing the attached form and returning it with your cheque to our Treasurer. Address details can be found on the contact us page.